What is it with these single issue people?
I don't understand some "Right to (a bad) life" people. My son is running for a city council position. He talks to voters about what they want their city council to do for the betterment of their community. Most are concerned about crime, fire protection, roads, bus service and the like. The things that the city can control and/or provide. He has also had several calls asking if he was against abortion. His reply is that as a city council person that is not an issue that he, as a councilman, can effect so it does not matter what his view on this issue is. He tries to go on about the quality of life issues he could effect. The caller interrupts and asks about abortion again. He then said that he thinks that each woman has the right to make that choice because... and before he can explained his views he is hung up on. WTF!! They did ask for his views but did not want to hear them once he said the word "choice." I think these people would vote for a thief as long as they were against abortion.
I think his reply should be he is against abortion and will do things to eliminate the need for abortions. So what things can he do as a councilman? How about a law requiring all public restrooms in the city to have free condom dispensers. Of course these same public restrooms could charge for the better, nicer condoms. How about a law requiring all pharmacies in the city to dispense all legal birth control prescriptions unless they have a easily read sign on the out side of the store saying that they do not dispense birth control. I'm sure there are other things the city could do to reduce the need for abortions.