Tuesday, September 25, 2007

War Bonds

The USA financed WW2 by selling war bonds. Why aren’t we financing the “war” in Iraq by selling war bonds? Because W and his cronies do not want to spend their money supporting the “war.” They want the middle class, not the upper class, to pay for W’s “war” with their taxes.

Why the quotes around the word war? When a country is at war the whole country and everyone in it are at war not just the military. In W’s war, the country is not on war footing. Where is the draft to support the military. Where is the rationing? Just where is the all out effort to win? All this means that W is not serious about the military action in Iraq.

There is NO war in Iraq.


At 11/10/2008 4:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good post.


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