Monday, July 09, 2007

Blue Light Special

How many of you remember K-Mark’s Blue Light Special they use to run in the stores? Not many I’d bet. Its been a long time since the last one. I think its interesting that the current K-Mark ads features a blue light bulb guy. Must be someone old at the ad agency.


At 7/09/2007 12:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Surely not TOO old, since I seem to remember the light going off... Maybe I was a wee one when it happened, but I remember it!

At 7/10/2007 12:49 PM, Blogger SunsetMan said...

Its been at least fifteen years since I’ve seen the flashing blue lights.

At 3/19/2008 6:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude - I remember the blue light and RUNNING across the store (trying to keep up with my mom) to see what crappy thing was on sale. Maybe Nordstrom's needs a blue light so we can all relive it...


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