Pale Green or just cheap?
I think I am more cheap than Green. I tend to reuse and or repair items rather than throw away. I drive my cars until they are worn out. Most of my cars have been used cars. These things that I do are Green, but I do them because it saves me money. Lately I’ve been looking to be Green. However, it cost to do so. Yes I have bought a few compact fluorescent light bulbs and I figure that it will take three to five years to recover the extra expense for the CFL bulbs in the energy savings. I guess I will live long enough to make it worth while. But many of the things to be Green take too long to pay back the initial cost. I would consider things that pay back within two to three years. Conservation is the only thing that makes sense for someone of my age. So going Green to heat water, to heat the house, or to make electricity just isn’t going to happen around my house.