Thursday, January 05, 2006

January should be the official dieting month

Yes I gained about eight pounds over the holidays. Now I must lose them.

We had a bunch of women in the house over the holidays. My wife's sister, the sister's daughter and my wife's brother's daughter. Four women in the house. They had a great time and I hid and watched TV to stay out of their way. The older niece, in her thirties, has visited with us for the last several Christmases. She loves to buy a bunch of rich cakes and pastries, which I can usually eat very little of, but this year she also bought a box of dark chocolate candies. I was too weak to not eat a bunch of them. I just love dark chocolate. The younger niece, she's seventeen, does not know much about cooking, so the others were working with her to learn more about cooking. One day they spent most of the day making cookies. They were good! Of course I ate too many.

So the holidays were eat, drink and be merry for January we will diet.

Sounds like a country song to me.


At 1/05/2006 11:07 AM, Blogger CoolDestiny said...

I'm sure many people would agree with you on that title. I tried my best not to eat too much cake over the holidays. Fortunately for me, I'm not the biggest lover of fruit cake so I had it in moderation. I'm pretty sure I went through the holiday without putting on a single pound ... and for me ... that a great thing! Don't worry, before you know it, the pounds will fall right off!

At 1/05/2006 3:39 PM, Blogger SunsetMan said...

Its hard to lose the weight in the winter time, I'm too inactive except when it snows and I shovel the walkways.

Say CD, do you have an address where I can order an Jamaican made fruit cake? I sure would like to try one.

At 1/06/2006 11:57 AM, Blogger New Age Harlot said...

Happy New Year to you, have just enjoyed brief and magical snow and sun here. Great to visit your site again. My blogging has been infrequent for awhile explained in my my recent post

At 1/07/2006 9:56 PM, Blogger CoolDestiny said...

I posted a comment earlier and I don't know where it went. You could check

At 1/08/2006 12:21 PM, Blogger Jamie said...

Yeah, and if you ORDER that cake, I'm sure your diet will be soooo succesful! Ha ha. I don't diet, but I mentally change modes. To where nothing tastes that good. Or it fills me up fast. Or I just don't want anything, even though I'm hungry. But sweets still get me, so I just don't buy them.

Good luck with that. With all the estrogen in your home, no wonder you weren't posting much!

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At 7/25/2006 4:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 7/25/2006 4:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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