Monday, March 21, 2005

I just don't get it

Why is Life precious and quality of live is worthless?

Why is murder wrong but killing in war glorious?

Why is one race of people more important/better than another race?

Why is genocide bad in Bosnia and OK in Africa?

Why does a loving committed legal relationship between two same gender persons degrade a legal relationship between a man and a woman?

Why is it that the person who will comfort you in the death of a loved one with the phrase "they are in a better place" will demand that you keep a suffering loved one alive in this place?

Why is abstinence the only approved way to prevent spread of STDs when even Priests cannot be celibate?

Why is sex which you can freely give away becomes illegal if you begin to charge money for it?

Why is Alcohol and Tobacco legal and Marijuana illegal?

Does any else see these inconsistences in peoples altitudes and believes? Or do I just don't get it?


At 3/21/2005 8:07 AM, Blogger Jamie said...

Nope, I often wonder most of those things myself.


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