Tuesday, August 09, 2005

A Half Open Marriage or the Cuckolded Husband - part 5

I was seduced, I think.

One Friday I was at a bar with some of the Friday night crowd. I was setting at a table of some women at the invite of "G." I was acquainted with G and her friends. They worked together progressing (moving) parts and sub-assemblies from one part of the plant to another. I would see them from time to time in the hallways. Sometimes a few of the "Progress Girls" would join my technicians and me in the break-room. For the last several Fridays I had danced with most of them. So it was not that much of a deal to be invited to sit with them that Friday night. As the evening progress I found myself dancing and talking mostly with G. Near closing time G ask me to walk her to her car. I was felling real good because of the beer and dancing. When we got to her car we kissed. As she got behind the steering wheel of her car I asked, in a teasing way, if she would like me to go home with her. Now I did not expect for her to say yes, but she did look thoughtful before saying no. We both left going our separate ways. I had a great time that evening and one of the songs that I really liked dancing to was "Proud Mary" by Creedence Clearwater Revival. To this day when I hear this song I think about this night.

It wasn't too surprising for a Progress Girl to come into our area to see if we happened to have some needed parts in our stock that we could release to manufacturing. We always made them sweet talk us into letting them have the parts. G came into my office and sat down and started talking to me. She told me what a good time she had last Friday night. She stood up and closed the door to my office and said she had a question for me. "OK ask" I said. Then she dropped the bomb shell. She asked "Do you want to have an affair with me?" I was stunned. Before I could say anything, she got up opened the door and said "Think about it and give me you answer at break." And she was gone.

I was worthless at work. All I could think about was the question. After thinking about it awhile the decision was easy. The first wife (fw) was having sex with at least two guys, so why couldn't I have an affair with G? At break I said yes and my life changed.

A easy decision, a large change.

I had no idea of the things to come.

To be continued.


At 8/09/2005 1:57 PM, Blogger Jamie said...

So, get to the seduced part already!!! Your audience is waiting!


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