Saturday, April 09, 2005

I thought it was cute.

A few weeks ago stumbled across Lisa's site. Here she had posted a writing assignment and wanted some comments. As the descriptive writing was good I left a few comments. She reposted a couple times with revised copies of her writing. After the weekend there were no more postings and I assumed that she had turned in her assignment.

One morning last week as I was reading various blogs I stumbled across the same writing on another blog. The owner of this site was also Lisa. I compared the two sites and found they were in fact the same writer. Then for some reason the muse hit me with this:

Twas the time before breakfast, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even this louse.
The computer was on, its hard drive softly humming,
In hopes that its owner would soon be there yawning.
My bladder was full and it wanted release,
So I stood at the bowl for the feeling to decrease.
Away to the computer I strolled slowly walking,
And started the browser without any talking.
The light of the monitor set my eyes all aglow.
Reading the post of a blogger I wanted to know.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
A story I've read, but I expected not here.
I scrolled through my bookmarks, slowly yet quick,
Looking for the blog I on which I wanted to click...

With apologies to Clement Clarke Moore.

Anyway I though it was cute and I wanted to share with you. (Note to self, put a sling on the arm that was hurt patting yourself on the back.)
See what happens when I get bored
Do you want to add some verses?


At 4/10/2005 11:41 AM, Blogger ledemure said...

Here, I'll give you a pat as well.
Funny that you came across my two blogs, and just think that there is another out there, a very personal blog about me, the less "demure me"....mostly about trail running and my dog. I do hope you enjoyed the story, It was posted on the other site tails and tales because I was getting credit for a class last term for doing that, but I need to work on the editing process and my writing in general and so made changes and submitted it as the first piece for the new term. There are more stories to come. Would you like to be linked from my blog? I need to read other people's sites and I am too lazy to go out looking, but if you are up front on my page, I'll read what you write, other people will as well and you'll keep writing. Just thought, if you like you can mail me at telling me no or yes (prefer yes)
Cheers, Lisa


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